By Edward Woodall

I’ve already walked you through the ten steps you should take after deciding to fire an employee and the do’s and don’ts of conducting the termination meeting. In this third and final post, we’ll discuss what you can do after the termination meeting to keep your company running smoothly.

After the termination meeting:

  • Inform all vendors, suppliers, customers, and other employees as soon as possible that this employee no longer represents your company and give them a new point of contact, if necessary.
  • Provide no details regarding the employee termination publicly. If asked, we encourage you and your representatives to simply say that the company policy is not to comment on former employees.
  • Remind your relevant remaining employees not to discuss the former employee publicly either. You should appoint a person to whom all people asking questions will be referred.
  • Determine what, if anything, will be told to anyone seeking job references. We suggest that your standard policy should be to reveal only the dates that the former employee worked for you and the former employee’s job title. Venn Law Group has helped dozens of business prepare employee handbooks containing policies like this. For more information, please contact us.
  • Ensure final paychecks are sent and that insurance and benefit plans are notified and are sent.
  • Ensure that severance agreements and all other termination related paperwork are completed.
  • Remind the former employee of any non-competition obligations and monitor compliance with such obligations to the extent reasonably possible.

For more assistance with employee termination strategies, please contact the Venn Law Group.